Daily Reflection Study

In the present study, I propose that a specific form of shared positive emotions, called positivity resonance, may be particularly influential in promoting health and well-being.


One way to induce positivity resonance is to change the way people think and reflect on their experiences. This follows in a long line of research that shows the way we reflect on and think about our experiences (e.g., gratitude writing, counting daily ‘blessings’, reflecting on personal strengths) can have a profound impact on our feelings and behaviors, and ultimately health and wellbeing (Sin & Lyubomirsky, 2009). In the present study, I chose to use Kok’s (2012) method for inducing positive social connection by asking individuals to reflect daily on their positive social interactions.


Experimental design





Analysis and Impact




Implications for reducing loneliness:

  • Even a subtle manipulation can lead to significant changes in social behavior and loneliness
  • Intervention may be scalable to large populations
  • Social cognition may explain how this intervention combats loneliness
  • Note: demand characteristics could partly explain these findings